So, without further ado, we present The Complete Guide to Jerry Maguire Filming Locations – Part I. In honor of its 20 th anniversary, I’ve teamed up with Greg Mariotti of Crowe’s official website, The Uncool, to uncover and compile a complete list of all of the film’s shooting locales, as well as some insider tidbits. The movie has always been one of my favorites and remains just as loved in my household today as it did when it originally premiered. Amazingly, the Cameron-Crowe-directed flick turns twenty today! Yes, as implausible as it may seem, Jerry Maguire first hit the big screen on December 13 th, 1996. And fewer still remain engaging and poignant decades after the fact. Even fewer are responsible for adding instantly recognizable catch phrases to the lexicon. Few romantic comedies appeal to both sexes.